Ariana Grande returned to pop music after a long hiatus. The singer treated her fans with her latest single ‘Yes, And? I believe that the song is one of the best Ariana Grande songs we have heard so far.
The singer has been embroiled in controversy after releasing this brand-new single. The Ethan Slater controversy over the song, as well as the loss of over 400,000 fans on social media, has reportedly resulted in her losing over 400,000 fans.
In ‘Yes, And?’, Ariana Grande has spoken out against her critics and haters and is clapping back at them.
The singer has done a good job of driving the point home with cheeky lines that are suggestively cheeky.
One of the lines in the song says, Your business is yours and mine is mine… Why do you care so much about whose d**k I ride?
This line has been interpreted by fans as a reference to all of the critics who have commented on the relationship between Jessica and Ethan.

Because of Ethan Slater’s marital status, Ariana Grande and Ethan have been under the radar because of their relationship.
This relationship still does not seem to be okay with the audience. On the day that “Homewrecker” hit the charts, it started trending on social media as the song hit the charts.
Because the timeline of their relationship and their divorce is particularly unclear, fans are critical of them for this reason.
RELATED: Ariana Grande Yes, And? Lyrics
Approximately 13,065 people unfollow the singer on Instagram every day, according to SocialBlade, which estimates that the singer has lost as many as 404,880 followers in the past month in total.
It is currently estimated that she has 380 million followers on Pinterest, which is in fact down from 400 thousand followers before Christmas when she had 380 million fans.
As far as social media is concerned, Ariana Grande hasn’t been very forthcoming about what she feels about her relationship with Ethan Slater, which is quite surprising since the singer is known for being open and honest on her social media pages.